
We can support your project from concept to publication. Depending on the current state of your manuscript, video, website, or social media profiles, we offer services to edit or convert your existing materials and publish them on various platforms (print, online, YouTube, Facebook, etc.) in the required formats, image size, video encoding, and text length.

How do we work?

Depending on the current state of your manuscript, we offer services like author coaching to organize your ideas, developmental editing to iteratively improve your text, copy editing to finalize your text, and proofreading to make your book ready for print.

Our publishing services are designed for completed manuscripts. If you are just starting out and need support organizing your ideas to create a roadmap for your book, we have services available to help you organize your ideas. For actually putting your content online or into print, we can help you to set up your own author website or publishing account. Please note, though, that when creating a successful marketing plan, it is best to begin the process as you are starting out with the idea, not at the end when you have a finished product. While we can still help you to adapt your product to the market, it is best to orient your product idea--rather than the finished product--to the market. If your core material needs development, check out our editing services. If you are trying to present your ideas to an audience, we can help you to provide better presentations, too. If you already have a fully edited manuscript, the first step is always to review it.


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Document Conversion

We can convert your LaTeX document into HTML, MOBI, XCF, EPUB, PDF, your text or Word document to LaTeX.

Ready for Print

Checking page size, image resolution, colors, page count, fonts, and lines to make sure your manuscript will print without issues.

Create Graphics

We offer a service to create icons, thumbnails, covers, logos, and ad images.

Image Optimization

We analyze your images if they are ready for printing, video, websites, or social media.


Improving formatting in your manuscript for better readability and printability.

* Prices do not include VAT taxes. VAT can apply if you are asking for services as a private person as opposed to a business entity. Rates may vary (usually, it is around 20%) depending on where you live. We will inform you about the details during or after the initial interview.

Our Services

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