Video Editing

Reducing video editing to bringing all media together is like saying that writing a book is about bookbinding. Video editing is story-telling. Look at your work with the eyes of your audience.

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Mastering presentations is essential to delivering your message. An effective presentation consists of visual elements, a confident posture and speech, vocal clarity, and a clean, professional-looking video image. Our coaches can help you to master each discipline. Given the ongoing pandemic, and the decision by many companies to move workplaces to home offices, your presentation skills are more important now than ever.



We can support your project from concept to publication. Depending on the current state of your manuscript, video, website, or social media profiles, we offer services to edit or convert your existing materials and publish them on various platforms (print, online, YouTube, Facebook, etc.) in the required formats, image size, video encoding, and text length.


Blog posts

Virtual Camera and OBS for Zoom
Clemens Lode
, posted on
March 11, 2023

Virtual Camera and OBS for Zoom

Step-by-step instructions to use OBS as the video source for your next video conference. This allows you to switch scenes or add filters to your picture.


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Woman participating in a video conference.

Our Video Coaching Services

How to Look Good on Video is a Skill That Can be Learned

We love to help you master the transition into the virtual world. Our mission is to share our collective expertise with you and help you show your best side!
Two people discussing a business supply chain.

Our Video Editing Services

Videos to deliver your message for your marketing

At LODE, we can take your ideas and turn them into videos to effectively market your products and services. Our focus is on educational videos.
Two people working on a presentation

Our Presentation Creation Services

Optimize your presentation to deliver your points

Our experienced editors will review your presentation and coach you to work out the central message. Let us help you streamline your presentation.

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