Even Better Books with LaTeX, the Agile Way in 2023

Connect with Readers from Day One. Better Books with LaTeX the Agile Way can help you to self-publish your Book on Amazon, Google, and Leanpub.

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Book Cover with the title Better Books with LaTeX the Agile Way, Streamline Your Writing Process and Connect with Readers from Day One in 2023

Even Better Books with LaTeX, the Agile Way in 2023

Streamline your writing process with LaTeX and connect with readers from Day One. Self-publish your book on Amazon, Google, and Leanpub. Here you can find all tools you need to publish your book professionally online or in print with LaTeX. Learn to complete your book project in small steps—the agile way. Better Books with LaTeX the Agile Way covers the entire publishing process, from your initial concept to marketing your book on Amazon, Google, or Leanpub.

Click here to order a copy (PDF) from Leanpub.Click here to order a copy (epub) from GooglePlay.Click here to order a copy (e-book, hard- or softcover) from Amazon.


Take control of your self-publishing journey. Updated for the latest versions of LaTeX and Overleaf, with new strategies to optimize your workflow, captivate your target audience and enhance your book’s visual appeal.

Even Better Books with LaTeX the Agile Way in 2023 provides an in-depth exploration of contemporary book writing and marketing.

Digital platforms like Amazon, Google, and Leanpub have reshaped the publication process. This book offers pragmatic strategies for using LaTeX and Overleaf to overcome challenges in the self-publishing landscape.

Understanding that crafting a high-quality book requires attention to a specific readership, we discuss how to establish rapport with potential readers in the initial stages of writing. We highlight the concept of releasing early work portions to enhance the book's quality and enable a shift to promising ideas.

We delve into how contemporary project management methods can redefine your writing process. By breaking your work into “user stories,” content can be repurposed for marketing, turning logical book sections into preview materials for blogs, newsletters, and more.

Even Better Books with LaTeX the Agile Way in 2023 is designed for seasoned authors wishing to enhance their workflow and new writers seeking to navigate self-publishing. The book will help you understand and adapt to the modern publishing landscape's fluctuations with aplomb.

Bundled with this book is a template that will give you a head start in your publishing process. In fact, this very book was produced with the same template. You can check out the template here: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/book-template-for-amazon-kdp-and-google-play-e-book-and-pdf/dypgzfzmhnmc

If you are already proficient in LaTeX and project management, you can go straight ahead and use the template! Likewise, if you are looking for detailed explanations of each command, there are more comprehensive books and online resources available. This book is for beginners.

What would lead a computer scientist to write about publishing books with LaTeX? Clemens Lode has a passion for clean design and streamlined workflows in software projects. The same methods can be applied to publishing and typesetting. In this book, he explains the provided book template—file by file—so that you can adapt it to your needs and concentrate on actually writing and marketing the book.

Even Better Books with LaTeX the Agile Way in 2023 covers the entire publishing process from your initial concept to marketing your book on Amazon, Google, or Leanpub. The focus of this book is to organize your book's ideas, chapters, files, images, and formatting, as well as to guide you through the process of uploading your book to a publisher.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: The Agile Way

  • Great Expectations
  • Incorporate Books into Your Professional Career
  • Starting a New Book
  • What to Keep and What to Remove
  • Selecting Personas
  • How to Organize Your Ideas
  • How to Organize Your Ideas (Fiction Books)
  • The Rules of Your Book
  • How to Optimize the Work Process
  • How to Get Early Feedback from Readers

Part 2: LaTeX

  • Comparison of Word and LaTeX
  • Generate Your First E-book
  • Filling the Template
  • LaTeX Basics
  • Bibliography and Citations
  • Index Creation
  • Template Management
  • Polishing for Print
  • Polishing for E-book Release
  • Publishing on Amazon KDP
  • How to Create Cover Graphics
  • Publishing on Google Play
  • Publishing on Leanpub
  • Writing a Series
  • TeX4ht Configuration


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Clemens Lode

Clemens Lode

Hello! My name is Clemens and I am based in Düsseldorf, Germany. I’m an author of books on philosophy, science, and project management, and coach people to publish their books and improve their approach to leadership.

I like visiting the gym, learning to sing, observing animals, and creating videos on science and philosophy. I enjoy learning from nature and love the idea of optimizing systems.

In my youth, I was an active chess player reaching the national championship in Germany, and an active pen&paper player leading groups of adventurers on mental journeys. These activities align with my calm approach to moderating meetings, leading meetups, and focusing on details. My personality type in socionics is IEE/ENFp.


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