Management is the art of coordinating people who do not work together on a daily basis. While working collaboratively is preferred, using management is sometimes inevitable. Here, I will talk about tools and techniques to improve your management style.
Maximize your productivity with our expert guide on backlog management using the INVEST criteria and the dual hat method. Streamline your workflow and achieve peak efficiency!
Discover how to transform your writing space for maximum comfort and productivity, from ergonomic gadgets to ideal desk setups tailored for writers.
Dive into a comprehensive guide on agile transformation, understanding the role of an agile coach, and the steps to transition your company to agile methodologies within 3-6 months.
Explore the nuanced relationship between Agile methodologies and project speed. Does Agile always outpace Waterfall? Uncover the factors that influence speed, cost, and efficiency.
Learn how Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) can transform your team's effectiveness and productivity. Understand how OKRs can reduce work-in-progress and minimize interruptions.
Hierarchies can help you to organize your company, but they also come with problems. Here, I explain the necessary leadership style for efficient projects.
As an exercise, try to completely eliminate your project's backlog and think about what effects this would have on your team. Could this be a way to improve?
Reader of non-fiction books have a specific problem, need, or interest, and you are trying to solve it by providing instructions or information.
For an Agile coach, having a team with such background knowledge can help to speed up the acceptance and learning process of self-management.
This article discusses the malpractice of changing proven agile principles to fit your existing management processes instead of focusing on core agile values.
This article examines the parallels between the challenges for a player of real time strategy games and agile coaches that want to help to transform a company.
This article discusses the malpractice of many companies to use Scrum while still living and breathing a compartmentalized company structure.
When implementing Agile methodology, some things are often overlooked: the organizational structure, the culture of the organization, and the people involved.
Using examples from the real time strategy game StarCraft, this article explains why idling resources might even speed up your production process.
When introducing agile methods, small improvements might lead to better results than a revolution. The advantage is the constant feedback you get at each step.
Usually, the Scrum process is employed by using little stickers, and moving them around on a physical board. Jira makes that easier, but it comes at a cost.
Kanban accepts a non-optimal situation: teams are not 100 percent dedicated to a project, and project work is done in phases outside the core team.
With this Plugin, you can automate your definition of done (DoD) by creating templates and having them added to each new task in JIRA automatically.
Knowing how to deal with a "fog of war" in real time strategy games like StarCraft can help understanding and teaching the principles of marketing.
This article discusses how “ownership” describes how a knowledge worker needs to be part of the whole process and not just be a specialist in a department.
Taking no breaks is a local optimization which might ultimately slow down your project. Instead, try to distribute workload in the team or try XP instead.
A better indicator how well your project goes along is how much value you produce for your customers throughout the time of your project, not just at the end.
This article discusses how the idea of delivering products at the end of sprints contradicts agilty. Agility is about delivering working software frequently.
Applying the principles of Scrum in a larger organization with multiple teams can be challenging. This article discusses a number of improvement ideas.
This article gives you a 7 small ideas of how to improve your daily standups. Maybe try NOT using JIRA next time and try using stickers instead?
How Strategy Games can be used to Teach Agility
Need Ideas to improve your JIRA for agility?
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