Our Proofreading Services

Our proofreaders will skillfully correct spelling, word choice, grammar, punctuation, and formatting issues. Don't leave your book's success to chance!

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Proofreading is serious business and requires a careful, human touch. When your book is in print, you will, of course, want it to be free of errors. We can help. You have worked long and hard on your manuscript; don't leave the proofreading to your computer's spell-checking program!

Our team will give your book a careful final edit, checking spellingword choicegrammarpunctuation, and formatting while respecting the integrity and voice of your writing Please note this stage comes after copy editing.

We'll also identify those errors that the writer may miss after seeing the text many times. There's a reason writers overlook mistakes in their work: the brain takes in the meaning but can fail to identify details like an extra word or even the wrong word. A proofreader seeing the material for the first time can identify those errors.

Additional Notes:

  • If applicable, we can also provide suggestions for improvements for future editions of the book.
  • We will track changes that you can accept or reject (please note that this might require conversion into a different document format).
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➤ Schedule a Free Trial Session

Supported Languages: 
German, English

- The trial session (by default via video conference, but we also offer text chat on request) is free and non-binding.
- You can ask specific questions about our coaching and how we'll work together.
- During the meeting, we will discuss what steps are required to reach your goal.
- If you do not have a goal yet, that is fine, too. We can discuss various topics; you select what path to pursue.

- If you are happy with the session, you can book individual coaching sessions.
- If applicable, we will send you an estimate with a summary of the planned work outside the coaching sessions.

Conna Craig

Conna Craig

Hello, I’m Conna Craig. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Clemens for eight years. Being thousands of miles apart, we have worked remotely the entire time.  

I’m a writer, editor, and experienced public speaker. After graduating from Harvard, I co-founded a research organization that created policy blueprints for the domestic policy councils of two White House administrations. I have edited 27 non-fiction books and have spoken before audiences totaling nearly 30,000 people.

I live in Monterey, California, with the world's most adorable dog, Carl.


Related Books and Services

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Our Book Publishing Services

Publish your book on Amazon, Google, and Leanpub

We can take your Word file, HTML document, LaTeX document, Google Doc, or (with some editing) even your text document and publish it as a soft- or hardcover.

A woman having a one-on-one video conference.

Our Developmental Editing Services

A thorough critique of your book before it's published

With LODE, put your best book forward. Our developmental edit provides you with an in-depth assessment and overhaul of your entire manuscript.

A man uses a laptop and smartphone.

Our Consistency Checking Services

Every page of your book should be totally error-free

This facet of editing ensures that your manuscript has been "double-checked" to make sure that details are accurate and consistent throughout the book.

A woman sits at her desk and writes something on paper.

Our Copy Editing Services

Your writing deserves careful, professional editing

Let us help you ensure your manuscript easily flows from one paragraph to the next, while remaining consistent and maintaining your voice and style.

Doctor clicking on a transparent virtual screen with digitam imagery (source: Shutterstock).

Our Fact Checking Services

Does your manuscript need a final check before publication?

Our experienced researchers work through your manuscript to find possible issues with your factual claims, references, calculations, or methdology.

Two people working on a presentation

Our Presentation Creation Services

Optimize your presentation to deliver your points

Our experienced editors will review your presentation and coach you to work out the central message. Let us help you streamline your presentation.


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