Physics addresses the question of how the universe came to be. During the Age of Enlightenment, physicists learned to differentiate between objective and subjective perceptions.
Our goal is to bridge the gap between science and the public. We publish articles and videos on topics of philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, mathematics, and evolution. We also organize meetups for discussions, offer research and writing services, and comment on current events (for example, the pandemic).
Knowing the history of the research into possible theories of consciousness gives us an overview of the possible alternatives of what consciousness could be.
What is nothingness? How can there be something out of nothing? Is "nothingness" stable or is the creation of the universe an inevitable result?
This articles introduces the so-called chaos theory, a field of science that looks at the outcome of system on which the same rule is applied again and again.
Quantum theory is a perfect example how a scientific theory without an underlying philosophy looks like. Which interpretation is most likely true?
Can we grasph the philosophical implications of the most populat interpretation of quantum mechanics? If true, what would this interpretation mean for reality?
How can we wrap our mind around the fact that the world does not consist of tiny billard ball-like entities but a mixture of wave and particles?
At the quantum level, the world becomes less and less intuitive. This is the first of a series of articles giving you an introduction to quantum mechanics.
Any model of reality can be arbitrarily complex. This article discusses one method of how to select between models and theories of different complexity.
If there was no causality, we could not think about causality. What else can we deduce about the universe with using just logic and philosophy?
How did matter and life emerge from nothingness?
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