Writing is like exercise: to succeed, one must take small steps and get feedback. It is the same with author coaching. You will stay motivated, you'll receive guidance on what you can improve and what is holding you back, and you can finally finish the book project you have planned for so long.
Learn 10 crucial content creation ethics rules with clear examples of what to do and what to avoid. Perfect for bloggers, writers, and digital creators of all levels.
Explore a step-by-step guide for aspiring authors on building a supportive network, creating a unique writing path, mastering book essentials, and innovative marketing strategies to navigate the dynamic publishing world and connect with readers.
Transform your existing text into a publish-ready eBook. This post will guide you on how to convert LaTeX or Word documents to EPUB using a free template.
Be it out of scientific accuracy, as a service to the interested reader, or out of gratitude, you should include references to your sources.
A simple way of writing books in LaTeX is using Overleaf and our template. In this article, I describe each file of the template with a list of items to adapt.
A good approach to book publishing is to focus less on the profits from the sale and more on the connection you create with your readers to markt your services.
Be careful with your expections of the sales of your first book. It is best to expect no sales and be happy about the experience you can use for your next one.
You have two options: either write a book that you want to hold in your hands or you write a book that you want to see others holding in their hands.
Select a genre based on the interest of your target audience. Create user stories for the elements of the world, for each character, and for each scene.
When deciding for whom you are writing, come up with representative examples of people who will read your book. Apply names to make it more personal.
Reader of non-fiction books have a specific problem, need, or interest, and you are trying to solve it by providing instructions or information.
Are your expectations for your first book too high? Click to find out how you can prevent a failed book launch and write your next book the agile way.
Streamline Your Writing Process
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We speak English (native), German (native), and French, but our template supports all languages!
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