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Blog posts

Agile without a Backlog
Clemens Lode
, posted on
March 11, 2023

What Is a Backlog and Do I Need One?

As an exercise, try to completely eliminate your project's backlog and think about what effects this would have on your team. Could this be a way to improve?

Automate Your Definition of Done
Clemens Lode
, posted on
March 11, 2023

Reducing Repetitive Work in JIRA

With this Plugin, you can automate your definition of done (DoD) by creating templates and having them added to each new task in JIRA automatically.

Daily Scrum with Jira
Clemens Lode
, posted on
March 11, 2023

7 Ideas of How to Use JIRA Effectively During Dailies

This article gives you a 7 small ideas of how to improve your daily standups. Maybe try NOT using JIRA next time and try using stickers instead?


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