Our Cover Creation Services

Let's talk about your goals for your book so that we can create a unique book cover that is suitable for an ebook as well as soft- and hardcover versions.

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Some writers have in their mind's eye a book cover concept, even before a book is written. Cover creation occurs when you are refining the core idea you want to communicate to potential readers. Together with the title, the cover image needs to express what your book is about. While there are exceptions, it is best to orient the cover according to similar books on the market. While being creative helps you to stand out of the crowd, taking creative liberties can confuse your potential readers.

Our approach to cover creation is to first:

  • Discuss with you the main theme of the book;
  • Conduct market research on books with similar content;
  • Propose an initial design; and then
  • Iteratively create book cover designs based on interviews with you.

After each iteration, you can decide to keep the cover and publish it, or try another round of interviews.

  • Note that the time for the interviews is free, we charge only for the work on the cover itself.

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➤ Schedule a Free Trial Session

Supported Languages: 
German, English

- The trial session (by default via video conference, but we also offer text chat on request) is free and non-binding.
- You can ask specific questions about our coaching and how we'll work together.
- During the meeting, we will discuss what steps are required to reach your goal.
- If you do not have a goal yet, that is fine, too. We can discuss various topics; you select what path to pursue.

- If you are happy with the session, you can book individual coaching sessions.
- If applicable, we will send you an estimate with a summary of the planned work outside the coaching sessions.

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