Clemens Lode
February 5, 2025
Woman typing on a laptop.

Rescue Your LaTeX Manuscript: 10 Expert Fixes You're Missing

We've all been there – staring at our LaTeX manuscript, knowing something's not quite right but unsure how to fix it. Whether you're writing a technical book, academic thesis, or documentation, these 10 professional improvements will transform your document from frustrating to flawless. Best of all? You can implement most of them in minutes.

1. Enable Professional Typography with One Line

Professional typography can transform the reading experience of your document. While LaTeX's default typography is already good, adding the microtype package elevates it to professional publishing standards. Add this single line to your preamble:


This package intelligently adjusts character spacing (kerning), subtly modifies character shapes to improve line breaks, and handles fine details like hanging punctuation. The result? Better justified text, fewer hyphenations, and eliminated rivers of white space that plague many documents. Even better, microtype works automatically – you don't need to understand the intricacies of typography to benefit from it.

2. Banish Those Awkward White Spaces

One of the most common LaTeX frustrations is dealing with page breaks and spacing, especially around figures and tables. The solution isn't to manually position everything – it's to embrace LaTeX's floating mechanism. Instead of fighting it, use:

  \caption{Your caption here}

The [htbp] parameters tell LaTeX to try placing the figure: here, at the top of a page, at the bottom of a page, or on a dedicated page. This flexibility allows LaTeX to optimize your layout automatically. For even better results, use the placeins package with \FloatBarrier to control where your floats can migrate.

Remember to always add descriptive captions and labels – they're not just for reference, they help readers understand your figures even when they appear on a different page from their in-text mention.

3. Keep Related Elements Together

Nothing screams amateur quite like awkwardly split phrases or references. Professional LaTeX documents use non-breaking spaces (the tilde character ~) to keep related elements together. This goes beyond just keeping numbers with their units:

  • Figure references: Fig.~\ref{fig:example}
  • Citations: \citep[see][p.~123]{author2020}
  • Names and titles: Dr.~Smith or Chapter~\ref{chap:methods}
  • Measurements: 100~km or 37.5~\%

Consistent use of non-breaking spaces improves readability and maintains professional polish. They're especially important in headers, captions, and other prominent text elements where splits would be particularly noticeable.4. Transform Your TablesTables are often the weakest point in academic documents. The good news? A few simple changes can dramatically improve their appearance. First, forget everything you know about drawing tables with vertical lines. Instead:


\textbf{Feature} & \textbf{Description} \\
First item & Detailed explanation that might wrap to multiple lines \\
Second item & Another detailed explanation \\
\caption{A professional-looking table}

This approach:

  • Uses proper spacing around horizontal rules
  • Eliminates distracting vertical lines
  • Employs relative column widths for better text flow
  • Allows for proper paragraph breaks within cells
  • Can include subtle alternating row colors for readability

For long tables, consider using the longtable package to handle page breaks gracefully, and always align numbers on their decimal points using the siunitx package.

5. Embrace Vector Graphics

Still using PNG or JPG diagrams? Vector graphics created with TikZ aren't just about resolution – they're about maintainability and professional quality. Here's a simple example:

\draw[thick,->] (0,0) -- (4,0) node[right] {$x$};
\draw[thick,->] (0,0) -- (0,4) node[above] {$y$};
\fill[blue] (2,2) circle (2pt) node[above right] {Point A};

The advantages are compelling:

  • Perfect scaling at any resolution
  • Smaller file sizes than high-resolution bitmaps
  • Easy modifications without external software
  • Consistent fonts and styling with your document
  • Automatic adaptation to document style changes

Even better, you can store your TikZ graphics in separate files and include them with \input{tikz/diagram.tex}. This keeps your main document clean and makes graphics easier to reuse across projects.

6. Clean Up Those Warnings

LaTeX warnings aren't just annoying messages – they're opportunities for improvement. Add these to your preamble for better debugging:


Then systematically address:

Overfull/underfull boxes:

  • Review paragraphs with manual line breaks
  • Check table column widths
  • Adjust hyphenation patterns where needed

Missing references:

  • Verify all cross-references have corresponding labels
  • Ensure bibliography entries exist for all citations
  • Check for typos in label names

Orphaned lines:

  • Use \widowpenalty=10000 and \clubpenalty=10000
  • Consider rewriting paragraphs that still break poorly
  • Add \looseness=1 to problem paragraphs

7. Cross-Reference Like a Pro

Professional cross-referencing goes beyond basic \ref commands. Create a comprehensive navigation system:

% In your preamble

% In your document
See Chapter~\ref{chap:methods} (\nameref{chap:methods}) for details.

Build a proper indexing system:

\index{key concept|textbf}  % For definitions
\index{main topic!subtopic} % For hierarchical organization
\index{term|see{preferred term}}  % For cross-references

And maintain consistent citation styles:


8. Print and E-book Harmony

Modern documents need to work across multiple formats. Use format-specific conditionals:

\ebookfalse  % Default to print

% Format-specific content


  • Different image resolutions for print/screen
  • Alternative layouts for different devices
  • Format-specific typography adjustments
  • Appropriate color profiles

9. Elevate Your Chapter Organization

Professional documents need clear structure. For each chapter:


% Engaging epigraph
\noindent``Meaningful quote related to chapter content.''
\hfill---Notable Author

% Clear introduction
This chapter examines... [clear roadmap]

% Consistent sectioning
\section{Major Topic}
\subsection{Specific Aspect}

% Strategic summary
\section*{Chapter Summary}
Key points covered:

Use consistent depth of sectioning throughout the document, and consider adding mini-tables of contents for longer chapters using the minitoc package.

10. Debug with Confidence

Add these diagnostic tools to your workflow:

% In preamble
\usepackage{showframe}  % Show page layout
\usepackage{lipsum}     % For testing layouts

% For specific issues
\tracingparagraphs=1    % Debug paragraph breaks
\tracingmacros=1        % Debug macro expansion
\showboxdepth=5         % Show box contents

Create a debugging version of your document:


Take Action Today

Implementing these improvements isn't just about aesthetics – it's about creating documents that effectively communicate your ideas. Each enhancement contributes to a more professional, more readable final product. Start with the improvement that addresses your biggest pain point, then gradually incorporate others.

Remember, great LaTeX documents aren't born from a single compilation – they're crafted through attention to detail and systematic improvement. Which of these enhancements will you tackle first?

Share your experiences or questions in the comments below. And if you found this helpful, subscribe to our newsletter for more LaTeX tips and tricks.


  • Learn pro-level LaTeX typography tricks
  • Fix common layout and spacing issues
  • Optimize for both print and digital formats
  • Improve debugging and maintenance
  • Enhance document structure and organization
  • Related Books and Services

    Recommended Further Reading

    February 5, 2025

    About the Author

    Clemens Lode

    Hello! My name is Clemens and I am based in Düsseldorf, Germany. I’m an author of books on philosophy, science, and project management, and coach people to publish their books and improve their approach to leadership.

    I like visiting the gym, learning to sing, observing animals, and creating videos on science and philosophy. I enjoy learning from nature and love the idea of optimizing systems.

    In my youth, I was an active chess player reaching the national championship in Germany, and an active pen&paper player leading groups of adventurers on mental journeys. These activities align with my calm approach to moderating meetings, leading meetups, and focusing on details. My personality type in socionics is IEE/ENFp.

    Clemens Lode

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    LaTeX, a document processing system, creates a typeset finished product. The system works more like a compiler than a word processor. While initially complicated to learn, LaTeX allows better management of larger projects like theses or books by splitting the document into text, style, and references. Leslie Lamport created laTeX in the 1980s; his goal was to separate content from styling.


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